Develpmental and Diagnostic Evaluations

  • Explore

    Assessment can be beneficial to explore long-standing or new questions and concerns you may have about yourself or your child.

    Perhaps you have wondered if you experience symptoms of a mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression, and you’d like to have a formal diagnosis to begin treating your concerns.

    Or maybe you have concerns about your young child’s social-emotional development or mental health symptoms.

    Throughout the assessment process, we consider the questions you have and select appropriate strategies to explore those questions in a collaborative way.

  • Clarify

    As every individual’s biological, psychological, and social influences are different from one another, it is important to consider the uniqueness of each individual during the assessment process.

    Assessment helps to clarify, or differentiate, distinct areas of concern versus age-appropriate development and functioning.

    During the assessment process, we focus on the strengths of the individual and how to further emphasize those strengths while targeting areas for growth and development.

  • Understand

    Imagine having the ability to describe your experiences in a meaningful way and have greater understanding about your symptoms or concerns.

    Assessment can provide relief to individuals by illustrating a more complete picture of their symptoms or developmental challenges. You may find relief in confirming what you have always felt or known about yourself or child or perhaps you have come to identify a new conclusion that results in more appropriate recommendations to address the concern.

    We believe assessment can provide clients with a new understanding of themselves or loved ones which ultimately leads to the application of more appropriate interventions to manage the presenting concern.

Developmental Wellness Checks

This is a one-time comprehensive service to better address developmental and social-emotional concerns in children ages 6 months through 17 years.

This services includes:

  • Clinical interview with child and caregiver(s)

  • Direct observation of child in several settings, if appropriate and necessary

  • Collateral contact with child’s educators, service providers, or medical professionals

  • Review of records associated with child including, but not limited to, medical, psychological, school, and other allied health service records

  • Screening and assessment tools

  • A formal, written report containing a diagnosis and clinical recommendations for services and supports

Diagnostic Evaluations

This is a one-time comprehensive service to address mental health symptoms and other concerns for individuals ages 18 and older.

This services includes:

  • Clinical interview

  • Direct observation

  • Collateral contact with adult’s service providers and medical professionals, as necessary

  • Review of records associated with adult including, but not limited to, medical, psychological, and other allied health service records

  • Screening and assessment tools

  • A formal, written report containing a diagnosis and clinical recommendations for services and supports